Xero Set-up & Training

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Cash poor?


Modern accounting software, such as Xero, makes life a lot easier for managing your books.

It comes with the data security and protection of a sophisticated cloud based product. It can be accessed anywhere with an internet connection – Office, café, or beach.

For those wisely choosing to make Xero the heart of their financial management system, the hardest part is often the set-up phase. The transition from your “old system” to Xero is quite a challenge, needing experience to do it efficiently and error free. Whether you choose to run Xero yourself, or to support your bookkeeper/accountant, BizBooks can manage the tricky set-up for you. Why add to your stress?

Xero makes life a lot simpler… but it is still easy to make mistakes - “a little knowledge can be dangerous”. BizBooks is happy to provide upfront product training, as well as helping teach new tips and skills along the way to maximise your experience with Xero. We can also dig you out of any accidental errors you may make too!

As a Xero Partner and Certified Advisor BizBooks has access to Xero products and offers for clients not available to others.

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